This week we’ll be talking about…well, blogs! Blogs can provide limitless value for you and your business. We’ll keep the intro short and sweet because we’ve got a stellar list of reasons as to why you should begin your blogging journey today.
Create an Audience
Blog writing allows you to promote your business to millions of people over the Internet. Your potential reach is truly astounding. Your company can contribute some sort of value to future clients before the conversation has even started. Lure them in with amazing content and then convert them into customers or partners.
Introduce Yourself
Tell everyone a little bit about yourself. Blog about the who, what, when, where and why you’ve established your business. Be your own PR company. People reading will feel more connected to you and your business.
Demonstrate Your Knowledge
Writing blogs that are particular to your audience establishes your expertise. It boosts your professional reputation. Much like business cards were considered “king” in the 90s, blogs give your audience the impression that you are well established in your space.
Build Rapport and Increase Engagement
Blogging is a great way to begin “testing the waters” with future customers. Cold calls are out. Someone who has read your blog will be more receptive to you and your business. You will be able to convert the traffic to your blog into leads and then into clients.
Land of New Opportunities
The possibilities are really endless when it comes to blogging. Who knows, you could land a speaking engagement, be featured in the media, you could even rub shoulders with some real movers and shakers in your industry.
Meet New Contacts
Just because you work in the restaurant industry, doesn’t mean that everyone who reads your blog does too. Remember that you can attract a whole new audience that will want to reach out which leads to business contacts and future connections.
Make Some Extra Cash
If your blog has a larger audience, you certainly have the ability to monetize. Having a side hustle that provides an additional source of income is never a bad thing. Blogging isn’t a huge time suck but it does have the potential to be a huge pay off.
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